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اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف google ads الأحد يناير 23, 2011 3:09 pm

Technical Analysis
An exploration of the forces of
supply which take prices down and demand forces, which take prices to
the highest price for whichever Segnh

Is the price the investor who wishes to Acharo or sale in reliance on the forecast of price movement

Fundamental Analysis
Not important important news story is a reflection of market sentiment

The increase of prices
Reflects the reversal in the lateQat and optimistic about the market

Low prices
Reflects the reflection of the gloomy outlook for the market

Resistance level
Reflected in the price at which buyers see it high into not using Acharo faithful and accept the traders to sell

The level of support
Reflected in the price you see vendors into not using it is low on the sale and accept Vipalmtdaulin to Buy

In the U.S. market is called the buyers oxen where they pay the price to rise

In the U.S. market is called the vendor bears as they pay the price to drop

Price BId
Selling price is owned by the traders in the market while you accept that price

ASK price
Acharo is the price of what is being traded within theIs the market while traders would accept that price Achara
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المساهمات : 126
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/01/2011


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